We are DiME

DiME was born in 2006 to enable students from different educational programs and schools to achieve their maximum performance. Through recommendations, DiME quickly became the best option for students to achieve their best results. DiME works side by side with the students, making sure that they fully understand the information that is contained in their particular school program, whether it is academic or non-academic. With the help of experts in each area, DiME offers classes and tutoring for students at every educational level -from elementary school to university-, resulting in the improvement of the student’s academic performance.

Later, as a result of this, the need arises to create a program for students who already exhausted their academic resources within the system in which they were studying. DiME opens its doors as a middle school and high school and completes its first school year with full enrollment.

For over ten years now, DiME -Desarrollo en Métodos de Enseñanza- has focused on the creation of a bilingual academic program that develops the abilities, skills, and competencies of our students. Adapted in a particular way, DiME adequates an integral and individual development of each of our students. DiME’s program stands out, within the educational sector, and place us as an institution with high academic performance. We prepare people to be successful, with a high sense of responsibility, high self-esteem and committed to improving the society in which we are living.

Thanks to these excellent results, DiME has created alliances with national and international institutions. We are certified to teach programs that are valid worldwide; such is the case of the CTE – Career and Technical Education, which consists of courses reviewed every 3 years, to guarantee its relevance, certified by professionals from specific industry branches -; the International High School Diploma -valid for US schools-; and soon the STEM – Science. Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics -. We make sure that our students graduate with competencies that will allow them to get accepted and excel in the best institutions of higher education.

DiME, committed to our students and their families, guarantees to exceed all of our resources to achieve the full development of every one of you.



To promote the integral development of our people, educating with truth and values in every stage.


To be the educational institution recognized for having the alumnus with the highest academic qualifications and achievements, pursuing internal growth, committed to the society and in search of excellence.
  • "I have been working in Education for 17 years. I have worked with many international and U.S. schools. When I began working with the staff at DiME I immediately knew this school was something that was set apart from others. The staff at DiME displays the utmost professionalism and passion towards education. Beyond this, the teachers are all masters of their content, highly qualified teaching professionals who have the tools and skill to prepare the students at DiMEfor their future. DiME does not provide just and education to their students, they provide the knowledge and skills to become highly qualified global citizens. DiME raises the bar for modern education. I am proud to work with such a incredible group of people. "

    Mariam Purcell
    Mariam Purcell B.S., M.S. Ed. Counseling.
  • "It’s easy to see that the world is an every changing environment, so logic tells me that education needs to be part of that change.  I believe that there are schools that are just as individual as the students. My eldest son needed that change as his previous school didn't have the tools he needed for his personal growth. He started DiME in 8th grade and he decided stayed until he finished high-school. His entrance exam to Tec de Monterrey in GDL was met with excellent results scoring 1491 out of a total 1600 where he will go on to study mechatronic engineering in the International program set for an elite maximum of 30 students. Was DiME the best choice for my son? Without a doubt! So much that my younger son will start... Thank you so much DiME for giving my son the best start he can have in a very competitive world!"

    Michele Edwards
    Michele Edwards
  • My family was recently put in a place where a very difficult decision needed to be made. My husband was offered a job that was too good for his career to pass up but our kids are at an age where it would be difficult to move them. I could give a regular testimony about DiME, that would be easy, they offer top level education, programs and experiences. But I would rather share why DiME made it easy for us to make the decision for my husband to take the job and move while I remained behind with our kids. DiME has offered us more than education, they have offered us friendship and extended family. When my son had surgery in 2016 they moved all the classrooms so he would not have to climb stairs. Every day there was someone outside to assist him into his classroom. There were visits to the hospital and patience and guidance to help him catch up on the work he missed during his recovery. I recently had a surgery and Susie and Roberto came over to bring food and see what we needed. One if my favorite things about Susie is the genuine pride you see on her face when her kids succeed. She (and the entire staff) lead by example and work endlessly to give the students the best experiences and every possible opportunity. This is why my husband and I knew we made the right decision. Education is a top priority to us and we know that keeping our kids in DiME is the only option we have. Thank you DiME!

    Lauri Strauss
    Lauri Strauss

Certifications / Credentials

  • The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) organizes most of the university sporting events and has become an important access to the professional sports world in the United States of America.
  • DiME students have credits/courses accredited by the NCAA which allow students to grant athletic scholarships to continue their academic preparation and athletic career.
CTE (Carrer and Technical Education certification)
  • Business, finance, strategic planning, marketing and human resources courses certified by professionals and members of different industries and markets; updated every three years to guarantee the relevance of each program in a changing world.
  • This certification with high curricular value, allows the student to earn unique business-oriented skills and learn to solve real marketplace situations experienced through internships in different companies.
  • This certificate grants the student with academic experience in business areas such as finance, strategic planning, marketing, logistics and human resources.
  • The opportunity to advance university credits for completed courses during their high school education at DiME.
  • The opportunity to visit companies and start internships to live a professional experience.
  • A program which includes integrated technology and engineering courses for middle and high school, to prepare young people for a changing world in which technology and science are increasingly important.
  • This certification guarantees that students receive an up-to-date program focused on current challenges and trends, so they can address what they are learning in class to real-life situations.
Advance Placement Courses (AP).
  • AP courses are academic credits that include professional level topics which will be useful and relevant through their life and career. Taught by qualified teachers -most of them with postgraduate education-, each session is planned so that both -student and teacher- can share and get the most out of it.
  • A certificate with worldwide recognition. It guarantees that the program meets the standards of quality and content. DiME is one of 20 schools throughout Mexico that have the AdvancED, which is responsible not only for certifying institutions with a high academic level but continuous improvement.

National and international affiliations

Advantages School International
  • DiME students get an international diploma, recognized by the NCAA, AdvancED and endorsed by the United States. It certifies that they master the English language, gives them a competitive advantage in the workplace and grants them direct access to some of the best universities in the world.
  • This certification is DiME’s exclusive and it is in line with our strategy: differentiating ourselves and pioneering in new teaching methods.
  • A platform that integrates the LMS tools (Learning Management Systems), CIS (Communities in schools) and CMS (Course Management System) in a single system. It facilitates the communication between teacher, parent, and student, and makes the learning experience friendlier.
Universidad Panamericana
  • Throughout its development, DiME has had a close relationship with the Universidad Panamericana, which invites our senior students to participate in their business and engineering competitions.
  • The excellent results of our students have allowed us to create an agreement with the Universidad Panamericana, which enable students, with a Mexican grade point average higher to 85 and an interest in business type careers, to benefit from non-payable scholarships to fund their way through university.

Why DiME?


DiME aims for an integral development of young people. We form people with values and sense of excellence, committed to improving the society in which we live. We define DiME by its high academic standards. Students learn from experts and experienced professionals, in addition to their bilingual programs where English is studied as a native language.


  • Universidad Panamericana ‘s Sub-national championship: Harvard Business Case Competition 2017.
  • International Brain-Bowl Championship 2017 and 2018
  • Scholarships for Academic Performance.
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