The NCAA. National College Athletic Association

The NCAA. National College Athletic Association

The NCAA, National College Athletic Association, is a nonprofit organization that, since 1906, is responsible for the regulation of the athletes that are part of its member’s institutions and conferences. It seeks to comprehensively help more than 480,000 student athletes to continue with their higher education and their development within the world of sports. The NCAA is responsible for regulating the collegial level competencies of more than 1281 institutions, seeking that everything is done within a fair, equitable and safe environment.

The NCAA is the gateway to professional sport in the United States. It connects the world of sports and the university experience so that those who can access any of their divisions enjoy an education within the highest standards of quality and develop their sports skills at their full potential. The NCAA seeks to help improve the fairness, quality, and consistency of amateur sports and connect them with the world of professional sports.

The NCAA has diversified its reach to allow students to access an university life regardless of the school of origin, which is why it has created three divisions enable students to continue their sports and academic development without neglecting neither. The NCAA ensures that, in the first two divisions, students who meet the standardized requirements with excellence can be awarded sports scholarships.

Division I of the NCAA is the highest level of intercollegiate competition in the United States. The schools included in this division have the broadest reach, budgets and facilities to ensure an optimal sports development, and offer much more competent scholarships at the highest academic and sporting levels. Division II provides an intermediate level alternative with access to smaller grants that allow students to continue with their academic and sports preparation. Division III consists of athletic programs in colleges and universities that choose not to offer athletic scholarships to their student athletes but to develop their sports skills.

The NCAA has 24 sports programs within 1281 institutions. For the students to access, they must start the admission process before finishing high school by submitting the SAT’s or CTA’s and ensure an appropriate score according to the program he seeks to access. Likewise, it is necessary that the student has a GPA score greater than 1.7. The students need to submit their letter of intent and make sure that they have completed the 16 required courses after graduating high-school.

To access any of the NCAA conferences, it is important to mention that one of the most complicated areas for high-school students are the SAT’s or CTA’s exams. These exams demonstrate knowledge of specific topics in three different sections: reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning, and writing and language, all of this in English. In Mexico, until 10 years ago, it was difficult for a student athlete to have access to this type of programs. DiME, noticing this, decided to prepare students to be part not only of this one but of any program that could help them to optimize their academic and sports preparation. That is why highly qualified teachers help students to prepare them in each of the areas of this test.

DiME students have access to this specific type of preparation on a daily basis since middle-school. DiME makes sure that any of its students interested in continuing their university education in the United States can be prepared to apply SAT’s or CTA’s tests when the time comes. Not only that, but DiME has access to the NCAA programs by offering the necessary courses to guarantee that the student complies with the required courses of the NCAA. Mexican students have found in DiME a direct way to continue with their dreams within the world of professional sports.