DiME School Achieves 2nd Place in the Business Case Competition

DiME School Achieves 2nd Place in the Business Case Competition

This past weekend, the third edition of the Case Competition organized by the School of Economic and Business Sciences (ECEE) from Universidad Panamericana (UP) Guadalajara campus took place. The event aims for students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies to a real-world business case.

Twenty-three high schools from various states across the country, primarily from Jalisco, participated in the event, working on a case about "Amazon" used at Harvard. A total of 115 students and 23 coaches participated in this competition.

The Case Competition methodology involved each high school selecting a team of five students to participate. Each team was assigned a teacher as a coach. The teachers were trained in the case methodology by the Universidad Panamericana.

The competition, which lasted three days, began with students and teachers being instructed in the various technical tools needed to solve the case at IPADE on the first day.

On the second day, the case was handed out to the teams, giving them 16 hours to resolve it. The University provided designated spaces for students to work on the case, under the guidance of their coaches and with the support of professors from the UP School of Business.

On the third day, students anonymously defended their solution proposals before a panel composed of executives from the company discussed in the case and industry experts.

Four finalist teams were selected from the Case Competition: Instituto Anglo Moderno from Mazatlán, Sinaloa; Colegio Regis Lasalle from Hermosillo; DiME School (Desarrollo en Métodos de Enseñanza); and Colegio Altamira.

The selected competitors presented their solutions, which were evaluated by a group of experts who made the final decision. The first place went to Instituto Anglo Moderno, where each participant won a 50% scholarship to study at the Universidad Panamericana, an Apple Watch for each team member, and a Mac computer for the coach.

The second place was awarded to DiME School (Desarrollo en Métodos de Enseñanza). Each participating student won a 20% scholarship for their university studies at UP, an iPad Mini for each team member, and an iPad for the coach.

Third place went to Colegio Altamira, who won a 10% scholarship to study at the Universidad Panamericana and an iPod for each team member and the coach.

The students who participated in the Case Competition commented that it was an excellent experience that provided valuable knowledge for their future university endeavors and served as inspiration to achieve their goals.

Participating high schools included:

  • Instituto Tepeyac Campus Guadalajara
  • Instituto Thomas Jefferson
  • Instituto Tepeyac Campus Santa Anita
  • Colegio Guadalajara del Sagrado Corazón
  • Preparatoria Cumbres San Javier
  • Colegio Regis Lasalle
  • Instituto Anglo Moderno
  • Instituto Chapultepec
  • Instituto Alpes y Cumbres Guadalajara
  • Liceo Del Valle
  • Centro Escolar TorreBlanca
  • Centro Escolar México
  • Colegio Salesiano Anahuac Chapalita
  • Lincoln School
  • Colegio Subiré
  • Preparatoria DiME Desarrollo en Métodos de Enseñanza
  • Colegio Alemán
  • Cervantes Loma Bonita
  • Colegio Altamira
  • Newland School
  • Instituto de Estudio Superiores de Los Mochis
  • Centro Ecolar Los Altos
  • Instituto Alpes San Javier

Source: Universidad Panamericana News

For further contact, please email: contacto@dimeschool.com.mx