Study at DiME


En DiME contamos con meticuloso proceso de admisión para elegir a los mejores estudiantes.

Los requisitos a cumplir por el aspirante son:

  • Agendar una cita en DiME para conocer nuestro modelo educativo.
  • Tener un promedio mínimo general en el ciclo escolar inmediato anterior de 70/100.
  • Identificación vigente con fotografía.
  • Presentar al departamento de admisiones copia del certificado del ciclo escolar inmediato anterior.
  • Carta de referencia académica.

El examen que se aplica en DiME (interno), mide las siguientes habilidades (alineadas con nuestro modelo educativo):

  • Razonamiento lógico.
  • Habilidad verbal.
  • Inglés.
  • Razonamiento matemático.

Posteriormente se cita al aspirante, junto con sus padres, para una entrevista con el departamento de admisiones.

**En caso de que el aspirante desee aplicar a beca, es necesario cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en el reglamento de becas (solicitar informes).

Middle School
  • A shaping stage where the student learns essential and formative topics. DiME offers bilingual education with a complete and integral program, where the English language is studied as a native language. This program is accepted, not only, in Mexico but also in the United States of America and worldwide.
  • From the first years of middle school, DiME focuses on the entire understanding of topics -not on the memorization or formula application-, awakening scientific and analytical reasoning in our students. At DiME, we teach to use this reasoning and think analytically. We follow international certification programs, such as STEM – Science. Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics- which includes technology and engineering courses for middle school, to prepare young people for a changing world in which technology and science are increasingly important.
  • In addition, both Middle School and High School students have the opportunity to participate in programs to study abroad (Canada and Europe) where they have the chance to practice the English language and have a multicultural experience.
High School (Preparatoria)
  • DiME offers a program focused on the creation and administration of companies – without neglecting other areas– linking subjects throughout the three years of high school education. Students are evaluated by external and professional synodals, presenting practical models.
  • DiME has created alliances with national and international institutions; we are certified to deliver programs that are valid not only in Mexico but worldwide, such as:
  • CTE – Career and Technical Education-: certified courses by professionals from specific branches of the industry, reviewed every three years to grant the relevance of topics in a changing world. This certification, with high curricular value, allows the student to obtain unique, business-oriented, skills where they learn to solve real-life situations in the industry. They gain real experience through internships in different companies. DiME is one of the few institutions that offer this certification.
  • International High School Diploma: certificate issued by the United States and globally accepted.
  • STEM (soon)– Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics -: includes technology and engineering courses for middle school and high school, to prepare young people for a world in which technology and science are increasingly important. Our students will be certified, and this translates directly to a competitive advantage to access the best universities in the world.
  • AdvancED: DiME is one of 20 schools throughout Mexico that have this certification which is responsible not only for certifying institutions with a high academic level but a continuous improvement. It is the largest education community accepted worldwide.
  • Within the high school program, each subject is taught by highly educated and experienced professionals, like the Mohammed Mostajo Ph.D. of Harvard and UCSF, who via remote has participated in sessions with our students.
  • All of the DiME alumni have been accepted in their selected university.
Study at DiME

Admission process:

When you study at DiME, you become an agent of change. Our Students and Staff are people dedicated to changing the world in every way; passionate about life, improvement, and innovation for all. That is why when we start the admission process, we look for more than good grades. We look for that igniting spark that will make you move forward in your studies and in life, and for that, we make sure that each and every part of our student’s life work together, along with us, in pursuing their most challenging goals.

That is why we ask our applicants and their families to meet a series of interviews and propaedeutic courses, so we can see what inspires you, what supports you, and what you are most passionate about. Our propaedeutic course will evaluate our student in 4 main areas: logical reasoning, verbal and writing skills, English as foreign language (an advanced level is required as minimum) and mathematical reasoning. Our interviews are there to evaluate your support system, to make sure that you are ready for the challenge, and we will make sure that here is the right place for you.

Want to be part of something big? At DiME we are building a community that will change the way in which things are done, that is why we want to get to know you before you start your journey here, with us:

  • Submit your grades (SEP) from the two last completed periods.
  • Fill out the admission forms.
  • Pay the propaedeutic course fee and attend the course.
  • Present the test on the scheduled date.
  • Feedback and results will be given in person.

If you are interested to see if you are ready for the challenge of being one of the best, please contact the admission offices.


Admission officer: Liliana Aguilar

Phone and WhatsApp: 3331881218

  • Since 2006, DiME has helped more than 4,200 students from different schools in an extracurricular way to achieve their maximum academic performance. DiME works side by side with the students, making sure that they understand most of the information that is contained in their particular school program whether it is academic or non-academic. With the help of experts in each area, DiME offers classes and tutoring for students at every educational level -from elementary school to university-, resulting in the improvement of the student’s academic performance.
  • More than 92% of students who study at DiME achieve their academic goals. Data obtained through analysis of results in admission exams, content compression, results in partial and final evaluations and strategic alliances with the Tecnológico de Monterrey and Universidad Panamericana.
International programs (Study Abroad)
  • DiME, in addition to the high academic level, has an international program to study abroad, in which students have the opportunity to learn about other cultures, practice English and have a multicultural experience.
  • With more than five years of experience in these programs, our students have the opportunity to learn about other cultures, find new perspectives, expand their curriculum vitae and prepare for the TOEFL IBT certification.
Financial Aid
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship: awarded to current DiME students who meet Mexican grade point average of 90 or higher.
  • DiME Fellows: subsidy for students who want to participate more in the institution, providing support in events, and areas such as a library. To be eligible for this fellowship, the student must have at least a Mexican grade point average of 87 or higher
  • Scholarship to Academic Merit: awarded to students who meet a high score on the admission test and have a Mexican grade point average of 87 or higher. More information with the admissions department.
  • Siblings scholarship: we know that education is a significant expense, so we provide support to parents who have more than one of their children studying with us.
  • DiME is one of the few institutions with the TOEFL iBT certification for students who finish their high school studies.
  • The certification consists of an assessment that measures the ability to use and understand English almost as good as a native English speaker does. It evaluates listening, oral, reading and writing skills.
  • More than 10,000 universities accept the iBT certification in more than 130 countries.
  • A certificate of English language proficiency is essential for candidates that are interested in applying or have already applied for scholarships or international programs.
  • It is also accepted by immigration departments to issue residence and work visas (including New Zealand and the United Kingdom) and for professional certification purposes.

¡We want the best education

for our son!

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